What Is A Feasibility Study For Self Storage? | Answered!

A feasibility study for self storage is a necessary research document that helps investors and developers determine if a self-storage business idea is viable and profitable. This in-depth article examines various factors, including market demand, competition, financial projections, and potential risks, to provide a clear picture of what needs to be considered for your project’s potential success.

At the end of the day, self-storage is a great investment. But like building anything in life, you’ve got to start with a rock-solid foundation and that is what a feasibility study is all about.

The Importance of a Feasibility Study for Self Storage

this is an image of a space helmet suggesting that you need the right equipment to protect you on any excursion similar to how a feasibility study protects an investment

You wouldn’t invest in stocks without market data. You wouldn’t go to space without an oxygen supply. And hey, you wouldn’t go to the beach without sunscreen. Well, some people do. And you know what happens to them? They get burned. And if you don’t start your self storage development project with sunscreen (I mean, a feasibility study for self storage) you run the risk of getting burned.

That’s why conducting a feasibility study for self storage is an essential first step in the development process. It serves as a roadmap for successful project execution and helps mitigate risks associated with entering the self-storage industry. Here’s why a feasibility study is crucial:

  1. Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential challenges early on, investors can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
  2. Market Understanding: A thorough analysis of the local market helps determine if there’s sufficient demand for self-storage services.
  3. Financial Planning: Detailed financial projections help investors understand the potential return on investment and long-term profitability.
  4. Competitive Edge: Understanding the competitive landscape allows developers to position their facilities strategically.

Key Components of a Feasibility Study for Self Storage

this is an image of a detective examining the pieces of a self storage feasibility study

Not all feasibility studies for self storage are created equal. If you’re about to invest millions of dollars, would basic information make your backers happy or would you want to present a little something more? A comprehensive feasibility study for self storage should include the following elements:

1. Market Analysis

  • Demographics: Age, income, population density, and growth projections
  • Economic indicators: Employment rates, business growth, and housing market trends
  • Demand drivers: Residential mobility, business storage needs, and lifestyle factors

2. Competitive Analysis

  • Existing self-storage facilities in the area
  • Occupancy rates and pricing strategies of competitors
  • Unique selling propositions and amenities offered by competitors

3. Site Evaluation

  • Location accessibility and visibility
  • Zoning regulations and building restrictions
  • Site characteristics and potential for expansion

4. Facility Design and Unit Mix

  • Recommended unit sizes based on market demand
  • Amenities and features to include (e.g., climate control, drive-up access)
  • Phasing recommendations for larger projects

5. Financial Projections

  • Development costs and construction budget
  • Operating expenses and revenue forecasts
  • Cash flow analysis and break-even point
  • Return on investment (ROI) and capitalization rate estimates

6. SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths: Unique advantages of the proposed project
  • Weaknesses: Potential limitations or challenges
  • Opportunities: Market gaps or emerging trends to capitalize on
  • Threats: External factors that could impact the project’s success

When you work with our team, you get the very best. No one beats our experience because for the last 20+ years, we’ve been the self storage investor, the self storage manager, the self storage owner, the self storage operator, and the self storage builder!!! You owe it to yourself to hear from the best. Here’s a little more about what you could find from our team.

Types of Feasibility Studies for Self Storage

an image of a menu displaying feasibility study options for self storage

Depending on the project’s scope and the investor’s needs, there are different types of feasibility studies for self storage. Contact us and tell us where you are at in the process. We’ll make sure you get the information you need. Here’s what’s on the menu:

1. Our Flagship Comprehensive Feasibility Study

This is the most thorough option, providing an in-depth analysis of all aspects of the proposed self-storage project. It typically includes:

  • Extensive market research and competitor analysis
  • Detailed financial projections and sensitivity analysis
  • Site-specific recommendations and unit mix optimization
  • Phasing strategies for large-scale projects
  • Cost: Approximately $9,500 – $10,500 (plus travel expenses for on-site assessments)

2. Limited Feasibility Study

A more condensed version of the comprehensive study, this “Executive Summary” includes:

  • Remote survey of local competitors
  • Supply and demand estimates
  • Summary investment pro forma
  • Cost: Approximately $6,500

While more affordable, this option may not provide sufficient depth for larger projects or satisfy the requirements of discerning investors or lenders.

3. Acquisition Due Diligence

Specifically designed for evaluating existing self-storage facilities for potential purchase, this study includes:

  • Market analysis of the facility’s area
  • Assessment of the facility’s financial health and operational efficiency
  • Identification of upside potential and downside risks
  • Recommendations for improvements or expansions
  • Cost: Approximately $9,500 plus travel expenses

4. Quick Site Review

A preliminary assessment to determine if a full feasibility study is warranted, this review typically includes:

  • Brief evaluation of the site’s potential
  • Initial market overview
  • Candid feedback on the project’s viability

We often refer to this as a project thumbnail. And amazingly, this is what others will call a “comprehensive feasibility study” and charge you about $2500 for it. Why not save that money, get the info you need, and start the process with a team who won’t let you fail?

Benefits of Conducting a Feasibility Study for Self Storage

Cheap is expensive. And ugly babies are… well… ugly. Being a parent is tough enough so wouldn’t you want cute family photos of you, the grandparents, and your perfect little storage facility? Aside from pretty pix with the family, investing in a feasibility study for self storage offers other key advantages:

this is an image if investing successful in self storage
  1. Informed Decision-Making: Provides a solid foundation for go/no-go decisions on projects.
  2. Risk Reduction: Identifies potential challenges early, allowing for proactive problem-solving.
  3. Optimized Facility Design: Helps determine the ideal unit mix and amenities based on market demand.
  4. Financial Planning: Offers realistic projections for budgeting and securing financing.
  5. Competitive Positioning: Identifies market gaps and opportunities for differentiation.
  6. Investor Confidence: Demonstrates due diligence to potential investors or lenders

A feasibility study for self storage is one of the best pieces of insurance you can buy. But here’s the thing. You don’t buy car insurance after you have an accident. You don’t get homeowners insurance after a tornado. You don’t purchase professional liability insurance after your painter drives their truck into someone’s living room. Here’s when you’re going to want to make sure you’ve secured a feasibility study for self storage.

When to Conduct a Feasibility Study for Self Storage

A feasibility study for self storage should be conducted:

  1. Before purchasing land for a new self-storage facility
  2. If you have land and you think it might be a great location 
  3. When considering the expansion of an existing facility
  4. Prior to acquiring an existing self-storage business
  5. When entering a new market or introducing new services

Choosing the Right Provider for Your Feasibility Study

When selecting a provider for your feasibility study for self storage, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience: Look for firms with a proven track record in the self-storage industry.
  2. Methodology: Ensure they use up-to-date data sources and analytical tools.
  3. Customization: The study should be tailored to your specific project and market.
  4. Objectivity: Choose a provider that offers unbiased assessments, even if it means advising against a project.
  5. Comprehensiveness: The study should cover all crucial aspects of the project.

Ugly Babies, Great Investments, & the Value of a Feasibility Study for Self Storage

A well-executed feasibility study for self storage is an invaluable tool for anyone considering expanding or getting started in the self-storage industry. By providing a comprehensive analysis of market conditions, financial projections, and potential risks, it enables investors and developers to make informed decisions and increase their chances of success in this competitive market.

While the cost of a feasibility study may seem significant upfront, it pales in comparison to the potential losses that could result from proceeding with an ill-conceived project – and we’ve seen that happen. Do you want to be on the receiving end of a phone call from angry investors and their lawyers because you skimped where you 100% shouldn’t have? #awkward!!!

Give us a shout. Because investing in a thorough feasibility study, you’re not just assessing a business idea – you’re laying the groundwork for a successful and profitable self-storage venture or at the very least, paving the way for a great family photo next Thanksgiving.

an image of a happy family after a successful self storage investment